Vatican News

Audience: Prayer and the strength to face persecution
Prayerful meditation on Sacred Scripture in communion with Jesus ...

New decree strengthening ties between Holy See and Caritas Internationalis
The Holy See’s Secretariat of State has issued a new General Decree clarifying and strengthening the ties ...

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එකළොස්වන ඉරුදින පාප්තුමාගේ දෙසුමේ සාරාංශය

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

17/06/2012 12.51.27
දෙවියන් වහන්සේ අපගේ ආශාවන් ප්‍රේමයේ මහා ක්‍රියාවන් බවට හරවන සේක.
"වැඩෙන බීජය පිළිබඳ උපමාව [මාර්ක් 4 : 26 - 34] ඉතිහාසය තුළ දෙවියන් වහන්සේ සිදු කළ මැවීමේ හා ගැළවීමේ අභිරහස ඉඟි කරයි;" යනුවෙන් පසුගිය ජුනි 17 වෙනි ඉරිදා ශුද්ධෝත්තම පියතුමා දහවල් මැදියම තුන්කාලයේ ආරාධනාව උච්චාරණය කිරීමේ දී ප්‍රකාශ කර ‍සිටියේ ය. එතුමා තව දුරටත් කතා කරමින් මෙසේ ප්‍රකාශ කළේය. "එම උපමාවේ සඳහන් ගොවියා අවසානයේ නෙළා ගන්නා අස්වැන්න කාලය අවසානයේ සම්පූර්ණයෙන් අනාවරණය වන දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ රාජ්‍යය අර්ථවත් කරයි; නූතන කාලය වනාහී දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ වචනය වපුරන කාලය යි. එහි වර්ධනය දෙවියන් වහන්සේ නිශ්චිතව ම දන්නා බැවින් සෑම කිතුනුවෙක් ම තමන්ට හැකි උපරිමයෙන් සියල්ල කිරීමට දැන සිටි යුතු නමුත්, අවසාන ප්‍රතිඵලය දෙවියන් වහන්සේ මත රඳ පවතියි. මෙය කිතුනුවාගේ දෛනික ශ්‍රම‍ය යෙදීමෙන් විශේෂයෙන් දුෂ්කර තත්ත්වයන් මත ක්‍රියා කිරීමෙන් තහවුරු වේ."
ඉංග්‍රීසි බස කතා කරන වන්දනාකරුවන් ඇමතූ ශුද්ධෝත්තම පියතුමා, "අද සුභාරංචියට අනුව, දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ රාජ්‍යය වපුරනු ලබන, වැඩී මහා වෘක්ෂයක් බවට පත් වන අබ ඇටයකට සමාන ය. එබැවින් අපගේ දුබලකම ගෙන ඔවුන්වහන්සේට හා අසල්වැසියාට දක්වන මහා ප්‍රේමයේ ක්‍රියාවන් බවට හරවන හා ඊට ප්‍රිය කරන දෙවියන් වහන්සේට ජ්වලිතව යාච්ඤා කරමු" යි ප්‍රකාශ කළේ ය.  

Audience: Prayer and the strength to face persecution

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Prayerful meditation on Sacred Scripture in communion with Jesus and his Church can help us face all of life’s difficulties and even persecution, just like St Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Continuing his series of lessons on prayer in the Acts of the Apostles, Pope Benedict XVI focused his Wednesday audience catechesis on Acts Chapter 6, Stephens discourse before the Sanhedrin, delivered before his death.

Forty thousand people thronged St Peter’s Square, and speaking to English pilgrims the Pope noted: “Stephen’s words are clearly grounded in a prayerful re-reading of the Christ event in the light of God’s word”.

In comments in Italian, Pope Benedict recalled how Stephen was "one of the seven chosen for the service of charity". Accused of saying that Jesus would destroy the Temple and the customs handed down by Moses, Stephen responds by presenting Jesus as the Righteous One proclaimed by the prophets, in whom God has become present to humanity in a unique and definitive way”.

"Stephen’s discourse before the court, the longest of the Acts of the Apostles develops from this prophecy of Jesus, who is the new temple, who inaugurates the new cult and replaces the ancient sacrifices with the offering of himself on Cross. Stephen wants to show how unfounded the accusation made against him of having subverted the law of Moses and illustrates his vision of the history of salvation, the covenant between God and man. He thus re-reads the biblical narrative, the itinerary contained in the Holy Scripture, to show that it leads to the "place" the ultimate presence of God, which is Jesus Christ, especially His Passion, Death and Resurrection. In this perspective, Stephen also reads his being a disciple of Jesus, following him to martyrdom. "

Stephen’s meditation on Sacred Scripture helps him understand his present reality. "In his speech Stephen begins with the call of Abraham, a pilgrim to the land indicated by God and which was only a promise; he then passes to Joseph sold by his brothers, but assisted and freed by God, to arrive at Moses, who becomes an instrument of God to free his people, but who also on several occasions encounters the rejection of his own people. In these events narrated in Sacred Scripture, which Stephen religiously listens to, God, who never tires of encountering man despite often finding stubborn opposition, always emerges. "

"In all this he sees a foreshadowing of the story of Jesus, the Son of God made flesh, who - like the ancient Fathers - encounters obstacles, rejection, death." In his meditation on the action of God in salvation history, Stephen highlights the perennial temptation to reject God and his action and says that "Jesus is the Righteous One announced by the prophets; in Jesus, God himself is present in such a unique and definitive way: Jesus is the true place of worship. "

Stephen does not deny the importance of the temple, "but stresses that God does not dwell in houses made by human hands. The new temple in which God dwells is his Son, who took on human flesh, it is the humanity of Christ, the Risen One who gathers the people and unites them in the Sacrament of his Body and his Blood. "

"The life and discourse of Stephen is suddenly interrupted by his stoning, but his very martyrdom is the fulfillment of his life and his message: he becomes one with Christ." Before he died, he asks for Jesus to receive his spirit, and like Jesus asks God "not to hold this sin" against those who stoned him.
St. Stephen drew the strength to face his persecutors to the point of the gift of himself "from his relationship with God" and "meditation on the history of salvation, from seeing the action of God, which in Jesus Christ came to the summit. " So "our prayer must be nourished by listening to the Word of God."

He also "sees foreshadowed, in the history of the relationship of love between God and man, the figure and mission of Jesus He - the Son of God - is a temple" not made with human hands " where the presence of God the Father came so close as to take on our flesh to bring us to God, to open up the gates of Heaven to us. Our prayer, then, must be the contemplation of Jesus at the right hand of God, of Jesus as Lord of our, of my daily, existence. In him, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we too can turn to God with the trust and abandonment of children who turn to a Father who loves them infinitely ".

Pope Benedict concluded: “As the Son of God made man, Jesus is himself the true temple of God in the world; by his death for our sins and his rising to new life, he has now become the definitive “place” where true worship is offered to God. Stephen’s witness to Christ, nourished by prayer, culminates in his martyrdom. By his intercession and example may we learn daily to unite prayer, contemplation of Christ and reflection on God’s word. In this way we will appreciate more deeply God’s saving plan, and make Christ truly the Lord of our lives”.

"I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Nigeria, Australia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Canada and the United States. I offer a cordial welcome to the delegation from the Christian Council of Norway and to the ecumenical groups from Sweden. I also thank the traditional choir from Indonesia for their song. Upon you and your families I cordially invoke God’s abundant blessings".

කොළඹ අගරදගුරු පදවි පූජාත්වරාභිදාන මහෝත්සවයේ කාර්ඩිනල්තුමාගේ දේශනය

Saturday, May 19, 2012

wdorKSh mQcl mq;=ks"
Presbyterorum Odrinis fyj;a mQcdm%idos;=ukaf.a ¥; fiajdj iy Ôú;h ms<sn`o fojk j;sldk l;sld m%ldYkh" mQcljrh y`ÿkajd fokafka fufiah( 
—Y=oaOjq mQcljrh m%odkh u`.ska iy ;u rdc.=rem%idos jykafiaf.ka Tjqka ,nk ¥; fiajdj u`.ska" mQcdm%idos ;=uka j .=re;=udKka o" mQcljrhdKka iy rc;=udKka o jk l%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a fiajdjg Wiia lrkq ,efí¡ foaj ck;dj" l%sia;= foayh iy Y=oaOd;auhdKkaf.a foaj ukaoSrh f,i ñysmsg idka; iNdj wLKavj f.dv ke`.Sfï Wkajykafiaf.a ¥; fiajdjg Tjqyq mx.=ldrfhda fj;s¡˜
 fïkhska n,k l," wdor mshjreks" Tn Y=oaOd;auhdKka jykafiaf.a fkdueflk ,dxPkfhka i,l=Kq lrkq ,nk iy fu,alsfifola f.a mrmqf¾ W;a;u mQcljrhdKka jk iajdñka jykafiaf.a mQcdm%idos;=uka f,i wdf,am lrkq ,nk wo osk Tn ,nd.kakd ;s<sKhkaf.a jákdlu iy .re;ajh ms<sn`oj iy wkd.;fha oS Tn úiska m%;spdr oelaúh hq;= ¥; fiajdfõ b,a,Sï ms<sn`oj fï fudfydf;a oS fufkys lsÍu jeo.;a jknj udf.a ye`.Suhs¡ l%sia;=ka ¥; fiajdfõ wx.hka jk .=rejr" mQcljr iy rdclSh hk f;jeoEreï ld¾hNdrh wo mgka Tfíu ld¾hNdrh njg m;a fõ¡ by; wm f.k yer mE Presbyterorum Ordinis m%ldYkfha Wmqgd oelaùu i`oyka l< mßos Tn u; wmf.a oE;a ;eîu u`.ska" ls%sia;=ka f;jeoEreï ¥; fiajdj Tfíu ld,h iy ikao¾Nh ;=< bgq lsÍu i`oyd idka; iNdfõ u fiajdj fj; Tnj ia:dmkh lrkq ,efí¡ tuksid we;af;kau Tn ,nd.kafka ls%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a ¥; fiajdj ñi ¥; fiajdj fkdjk nj ksrka;rfhkau isysfha ;nd .ekSu jeo.;a fõ¡ tu wjfndaOh tla wf;lska Tng Tnf.a fiajdj i`oyd Wmldß jk oeä wd;au úYajdihla ,nd osh hq;= w;ru wfkla w;ska Tn ;=<ska iy Tn u`.ska ;uka jykafiaf.a u ¥; fiajdj bgqlr .ekSfï iajdñka jykafiaf.a u úê l%uh f,i Tng ú`oskakg isÿúh yels úúOdldrfha ÿla fõokdjka ksy;udkSj ndr .ekSug Tnj fm<Uúh hq;=fõ¡ l%sia;=ia jykafia iu`. iyNd.s;ajhg le`oùu th tfia jk ksid" Tnf.a ¥; fiajdj ;=,ska Tn u; mjrkq ,nk jeo.;a u b,a,Su jkafka b;d iómj iy .eUqßka iajdñka jykafia iu`. taldnoaO ùuh¡ we;a; jYfhkau Tnf.a oskm;d uQ,sl f;dard.ekSu" fjk;a úêhlska lshkafka kï" Tnf.a ìï uÜgfï ukdmh úh hq;af;a thh¡ Tn fY%aIaG foa lsÍu fyda m%d;syd¾h n`ÿ foa isÿ lsÍu fyda iajdñka jykafiag wjYH jkafka ke;¡ Wkajykafiag wjYH jkafka" Tnf.a Ôú;h ;=,ska Wkajykafiaf.a wNsu;h bgqlsÍug Wkajykafiag bv yeÍuhs¡
     Wkajykafia ;u wfmdaia;=¿jreka f;dard .;af;a" Tjqka úiska fkdj ;uka jykafia úiska u Tjqka —ñksiqka oskkakka˜ lsÍu msKsi nj Y=¡ iqúfYaIh meyeos,sj i`oyka lrhs ^udla 1(17&¡ Wkajykafia mdúÉÑ lrk jpk meyeos,sh( “kai poieso humas Genesthai halieis anthropon” uu Tn ñksiqka oskd.kakka lrñ¡˜ Wkajykafiag wjYH jkafka" wms wmg wjYH f,i ia:dk.;ùu fkdj Wkajykafia úiska idokq ,nk ;ek;a;d ù" ta l%shdoduh ;=, Wkajykafia m%Odk pß;h r`.mEfï l%shdj,shhs¡ “poieso” keue;s wkd.; ld,h i`oyka lrk l%shd moh Ndú;d lsÍu flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lruq¡ —uu lrñ˜ hk ta jofka wjOdrKh ù we;af;a Wkajykafia lrkakg hk foa ñi wfmdaia;=¿jreka lsÍug hk foa fkdfõ¡ Wkjykafia ;u wfmdaia;=¿jrekaf.ka b,a,d isák tlu foa jkafka Wkajykafiag Yla;su;aj taldnoaOj isàu muKs¡ fkd tfiakï Wkjykafia ;=< ia:djrj /`oS isàuh¦ ñosje, uuh¡ Tn w;=h¡ hfula ud ;=< isákafka o" uu Tyq ;=< isáï o" ta ;eke;a;d fndfyda M, orhs¡ ukao udf.ka fjkaj lsisjla lrkakg Tng fkdyelsh¡˜^fcdydka 15(5&¡ ta ksid mQcdm%idos;=uka f,i wmf.a M,odhS nj" f,!lSl M,odhS nj fkdj" foúhka jykafia ;=< M,odhS nj"meñfKkafka wm Wkajykafiag taldnoaO ù we;s m%udKhg wkqjhs¡ Koris emou ou dunasthe poiein ouden keue;s .%Sl jpk fuys ,d b;du jeo.;a fjkjd( tys ksjeros mßj¾;kh jkafka - — udf.ka f;drj lsisjla lsÍug Tng n,hla ke;˜ hkakhs¡ fuysoS oaú;aj ksfIaOh fyj;a oaú;aj iDKdldrh fj; wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu jeo.;a fjkjd( —n,hla ke;s˜ iy —lsසිjla lsÍug˜¡ fï ldrKh msළිn`oj *q,agka fÊ¡ YSka ysñmdKka fufia m%ldY lrhs( 
—mQcd m%idos;=ud ;ukagu whs;s fkdfõ¦ Tyq l%sia;=ka jykafiag whs;sh¡ Tyq ;uka ljqrekaoehs lsisúgl lkiai¨ ùug wjYH fkdfõ( Tyq" fkdfõ¡ Tyq l%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a h¡˜ 
^Those Mysterious Priests, St. Paul’s Publications (Alba Home) 2005, 221 msgqj&¡ —Tn ud f;dard.;af;a ke;¡ uu" Tn f;dardf.k m;a lf<ñ˜^fcdydka 15(16& keue;s fÊiqia jykafiaf.a joka" mQcdm%idos;=uka f,i" fÊiqia jykafia iu`. wmf.a ióm wkkH;djh iaÒr lrhs¡ fuh Y=oaO ,sheú,af,ys le`oùu ms<sn`o foaj O¾uh yd iu`. fndfyda iudkh¡ iuia:hla jYfhka wms Wkajykafiag whs;s fjuq" Wkajykafia wmg whs;s h¡ ohdnr msjreks" ta wkqj Tng whs;s jk jeo.;a u ld¾hNdrh jkafka oskm;du fÊiqia iajdñka jykafia iu`. iyNd.s;ajh ;=< jeãuhs¡ Tnj j¾Okh lsÍug Wkjykafiag bv i,id oSuhs¡ tfiau Wkajykafiag wm;=, leu;s foa bgq lrkak bv oSuhs¡ fuys f;areu jkafka" Tnf.a Ôú;fha jvd;au jeo.;a f;dard.ekSu f,i wld,slj Wkajykafiag fm%au lsÍu wjYH fukau jeo.;a jk njh¡ iakdjl cqjdï;=ud fï .ek wmg mQ¾jdo¾Yhla ,nd foa( Wkajykafiaf.a ke`.Su;a" udf.a neiSu;a isÿúh hq;=h¡˜^fcdydka 3(30&¡ fuhdldrfhka" mqcdm%idos;=ud yqfola foúhka jykafiaf.a ñksil= muKla fkdfõ¡ Tyq fÊiqia jykafiaf.a øYHudk m%ldYkhhs¡ tkï ;j;a l%sia;=jrhdhs¡ (the alter Christus) wvqjYfhka Tyq ta meje;au w;am;alr .; hq;= fõ¡ fcdaka fïß úhdks uqks;=ud fï .ek fufia lSfõh( 
—ug mQcdm%idos;=ul= iy foaj ¥;hl= yuqjqjfyd;a" foaj ¥;hdg wpdr lsÍug fmr ud mQcdm%idos;=udg wdpdr l< hq;=h¡ foaj ¥;hd foúhka jykafiaf.a ñ;%fhls¡ kuq;a mQcdm%idos;=ud Wkajykafiaf.a ;ek Wiq,hs¡˜ 
^The Catechism of the Cure of Ars , Ten Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, Illinois, 1951"36 msgqj¡& Y=oaOjQ mdjq¿;=ud .,d;s jrekag ,shñka iajdñka jykafia iu`. Tyqf.a ióm in`o;djh úia;r lf<a iy - meje;aula (coexistence) f,ih¡ uu l%sia;=ka jykafia iu`. l=reisfhys weK.ikq ,en isáñ¦ b;sx oeka Ôj;a jkafka ud fkdfõ¡ l%sia;=ka jykafia ud ;=< Ôj;a jk fial¡˜ ^.,d;s 6(17&¡ ta yd iudkju Tyq ;u YÍrfha —fÊiqia jykafiaf.a fõokdfõ i,l=Kq˜ igyka j we;s nj m%ldY lrhs¡ ^.,d;s 6(17&¡ t;=uka iajdñka jykafia yd iu`. rlaId lළ ióm;djh thdldrh Wkajykafia wm whs;slr .kakd fial¡ 
     wdorKSh mshjreks" mQcdm%idos;=uka f,i lsÍug fndfyda foa o w;alr .ekSug fndfyda b,lal o Tn i;=jkq we;¡ kuq;a" iajdñka jykafia Tn fj; mjrd we;s m%Odk;u ld¾hh jk —;uka iu`. isàu˜ ^udla 3(4& ;rï ta lsisjla jeo.;a fkdfõ¡ Tõ" m%S;sfhka hq;=j Wkajykafia iu`. isàug" Wkajykafiaj i;=gq lsÍug" Wkajykafia iu`. l;d lsÍug iy Tnf.a ÿla fõokd lror Wkajykafia iu`. fnod .ekSug" Tnf.a Ôú;h ish;g f.k" Wkajykafia ms<sn`oj ñksiqkag lshjkakg yels fmd;la njg th m;a lsÍug Wkajykafiag bv yeÍug Wfoa isg iji olajd Tfí ojfia iEu fudfyd;lu m%S;sfhka hq;=j Tn lghq;= l< hq;=fõ¡ ro.=re;=ud mQcljrh ,nk wfmalaIlhska u; w;a ;eîu" l%sia;=ka jykafia ie,ls,a,la olajkq ,nk mqoa.,hdj —;uka ika;lhg .ekSu˜ f,i fidf,diajk fnkälaÜ Y=oafOda;au msh;=ud y`ÿkajhs¡ t;=ukaf.a ,sheú,a,l fï .ek fuf,i i`oyka lr we;¡ —mQcljrh m%odkh lsÍfï fufyfha flakaøh jkafka ysiu; w;a ;eîfï b;d mqrdK pdß;%hhs¡ ta iu`.ska —Tn ud i;=he˜hs lshñka Wkajykafia mQcl ud whs;slr .kakd fial¡ flfia jqj o tfia lSfuka Wkajykafia fufia o lS fial( 
—Tn ud oEf;a wdrlaIdj hgf;a isákafkysh¡ Tn ud yojf;a wdrlaIdj hgf;a isákafkysh¡ Tn uf.a w;a, u; wdrlaIdj hgf;a ;nd .kafkñ¡ udf.a fm%aufha wm%udK nj ;=, taldka;fhkau Tn isákafka thdldrfhks¡ udf.a oE;a u; isákak¡ Tfí oE;a ug fokak( wmf.a oE;a Y=oaOjq ff;,fhka wf,am lr we;s nj u;lfha ;nd .ksuq¡ th Wkajykafiaf.a n,h hgf;a jk Y=oaOd;auhdKka jykafiaf.a ixfla;hhs¡ flfkl=f.a oE;a wdf,am lrkafka wehs @ ñksia w;a hkq udkj l%shdldÍ;jfha fuj,ïh¡ tjd —f,dalh oE;g .ekSug˜ f,dalhg uqyqK oSug ñksid i;= yelshdfõ ixfla;hs¡˜
 ^Priests of Christ, Family Publications, Oxford, 2009, 12 msgqj¡& we;af;kau mQcljr m%odkfha oS wm k;=jk wf,am lrkq ,eîfï fufyjf¾ úfYaI;ajh jkafka wms iyuq,skau foúhka jykafiag whs;s ùuhs¡ mqrdKfha oS iajdñka jykafia úiska f;dard.;a ;eke;a;dj wdf,am lrkq ,enqfõ Tyqf.a ysi msg f;,a n`ÿkla j;a lsÍfuks¡ th Tyqf.a /jq, osf.a lrmáh olajd .,d .sh nj Y=¡ ,shú,a, lshhs¡ ^.S;dj,sh 133(2&¡ kuq;a oeka todg jvd myiq whqßka th Tnf.a w;a, u; ;jrkafka fuu whs;s ùuu ixfla;j;a lrñkqhs¡ l%sia;=ka jykafiag whs;sùu l=reish u; oS mjd Wkajykafia iu`. iïmQ¾Kfhka u wkkH ùu o w¾:j;a flf¾¡ fuys oS Wkajykafiaf.a YÍrh urKska miq wf,am lrkq ,eîu u;la lr fohs¡ ´mqia foahs (Opus Dei) keue;s ksldh wdrïN l< idka; fydfia ußhd tial%sjd fï .ek fufia m%ldY l<d( mQcdm%idos;=ul= ùu hkq iEu ld,fha u l=reish u; isàuhs¡˜ (The Forge, Scepter, London 1988, n.882) fuu whs;sùug m<,la fkdue;¡ th wld,slh" iod;kslh¡ iajdñka jykafiag fm%au lsÍu iy fiajh lsÍu i`oyd Wkajykafia wm fj; imhk bv yir thhs¡ ^tmSi 3(17-19&¡ hdÉ[dj iy jevlghq;= mqrdK ;dmisl kS;sfhys" ;dmi;=ul=f.a oji Y=oaOjka; lsÍfuys wx. folla ;snqKq nj wms wid we;af;uq¡ Ora et labora ta wx.hs tkï lem lrkq ,enQ Ôú;fha wka;¾.;h jQfha hdÉ[d lsÍu iy jev lsÍuhs¡ fÊiqia jykafia fl;rï wêl f,i jev lghq;= j, fhÿfkaoh;a Wkajykafiag lEu .ekSugj;a wjldYhla fkdjQ nj Y=¡iqúfYaIh i`oyka lrhs¡ ^udla 3(20&¡ th tfia jqj;a Wkajykafia iEu úglu ie,ls,su;a ld,hla hdÉ[dfjka .; l, njo i`oyka fõ( ;u m%isoaO Ôú;h wdrïN lsÍug fmr Wkajykafia osk 40la ksrdydrYS,fhka iy hdÉ[dfjka .; l< njo ^uf;õ 4(1-11&¡ wfmdaia;=¿jrekaj f;dard .ekSug fmr mqrd rd;%shla hdÉ[dfjka .; lළ njo ^udla 3(13&¡ wkH rEm ú,di jQ wjia:dfõ oS hdÉ[dfõ fhoS isá njo ^fcdydka 11(41-42&¡ ÿ#Lm%dma;shg uqyqK oSug fmr fc;afiuks Whfka oS ,hdkaú;j Wkajykafia hdÉ[d l< njo ^uf;õ 26(36&¡ wjidk jYfhka fÊiqia jykafiaf.a W;a;u mQcl hdÉ[dj ;=,ska ish uq¨ osúhu foúmshdKkag Tmamq lළ
njo i`oyka lsÍu jeo.;a fõ¡ ^fcdydka 17&¡ fuf,i hdÉ[dj iy jevmf,ys fhoSu w;r mQ¾K iunr;djh wms fÊiqia jykafia ;=< olsuq¡ Tnf.a mQcl Ôú;hka iÔùlrKh l< hq;af;a tf,ihs¡ hdÉ[dfjka f;dr jev lsÍu" wNHka;ßl w¾:fhka iy mßj¾;kd;aul n,fhka f;dr uu;ajh flakaø lr.;a f>daIdjla muKlehs lSu jrola fkdfõ¡ iuyrúg th" ta ;=<u fyd`o fjkakg mq¿jka jQj;a" w¾: Y=kHh úh yelshs¡ jev lsÍfuka f;dr hdÉ[dj o M,nß; fkdfõ¡ tys bIaG isoaO ùula isÿfkdù mQcdm%idos;=ul=f.a Ôú;fha jev lsÍu iEu úglu hdÉ[dkqfhda.Sj isÿúh hq;=fõ¡ tfiau ta u.ska lrk lshk yeu fohla u osjHuh iy Y=oaOjka; lsÍfï b,lalhla cks; fõ¡ Tyqf.a ffoksl jevlghq;= heÿfuka iq.kaOj;a jkafka kï tajd foúhka jykafiag m%shukdm mQcdjla njg m;a fõ¡ fc;afiuks Whfka hdÉ[dj iy mshdKks" Tnf.a yia;hg uf.a wd;auh ndr lrñ˜ hk jpk j,ska ksudjg m;a lළ l=reish u; oS m%ldY l< jdlH y; we;=,;a fndfyda hdÉ[d iu`. we;a; jYfhkau Wkajykafiaf.a l=rei.;ùu w;sia:dmkh flreKq nj meyeos,sh¡ fyfn%õjrekag ,shQ ,smsh i`oyka lrk wdldrhg l,ajdßfha l=reish u; —uyd y`äka l< hdÉ[d iy wdhdpkhka iu`.˜ ;u iïmQ¾K Ôú;h foúhka jykafiag m%ikak m`vqrla njg m;ajQ mQcljrhdKka" Wkajykafiah¡ fõokd;aul jqk;a" l=reish Wkajykafiag" yqfola ;uka úiska iïmQ¾K lsÍug ;snQ ld¾hNdrhla fyda l%shdldÍ;ajhla muKla fkdfjhs¡ kuq;a th Wkajykafia fm%aufhka iy hdÉ[dkQfhda.Sj$hdÉ[dfjka mßmQ¾K lළ ksid th f,dalfha .e,ùu i`oyd M,nß; úh¡   
      wdorKSh mshjreks" fï iEu foagu jvd" mQcd m%idos;=ud l%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a mQcl ld¾hhka ;=, Wkajykafiaj wkqlrKh lsÍu u`.ska" Tyq jgd we;s Ôú; iy f,dalh Y=oaOj;a lsÍu i`oyd l%shd l< hq;= fõ¡ Pastores Dabo Vobis keue;s m%ldYkh fï .ek fufia i`oyka lrhs(
 —mQcdm%idos;=ud" ¡¡¡¡ iod;ksl mQcljrhdKka jk l%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a Ôjudk fuj,ï njg m;aj ;sfí¡ tu`.ska iaj¾.hSh n,fhka iuia; udkj ixy;sh wdmiq iu`.s lsÍu i`oyd jk Wkajykafiaf.a úYaIaG ld¾hh" hq. hq. mqrd mQ¾K;ajhg m;a lsÍug Tyqg yelshdj ,efí¡ tuksid" iEu mQcdm%idos;=ul=u ;ukagu wdfõKsl wdldrfhka l%sia;=ka jykafiaju ksfhdackh lrk fyhska Tyqg úfYaI jrï /ila Wreu fldg oS ;sfí¡ fuu jrm%ido u`.ska " foaj ck;djg Tyq lrk fiajh Tiafia l%sia;=ka jykafiaf.a mQ¾K;ajh jvd fyd`oska l%shd;aul lrf.k hdug mQcdm%idos;=ukag yelshdj ;sfí—[PDV 20]¡ 
fjk;a jpkj,ska lSfjd;a" mQcdm%idos;=uka ;uka jgd we;s f,dalh Y=oaOj;a lrkafka" — foúhka jykafiag ñksia iajdNdjhla˜ oSu i`oyd ;u Ôú;h iïmQ¾Kfhkau mjrd f.k m%fhdackhg .ekSug bv oSu u`.skqhs¡ fÊiqia jykafia u`.ska foúhka jykafia b;sydihg we;=¿ fjñka udkj ixy;sh .,jd .ekSfï ud¾.h njg m;ajQfha ußh ud;djkaf.a —tfiau fõjd˜ (Fiat) hk joka ;=,hs¡ tfiau" f,dalh Y=oaOj;a lsÍfï jev lghq;a; mQ¾K;ajhg m;a lrkq ,nk ud¾.h jkafka mQcdm%idos;=ukaf.a ¥; fiajdj ;=, ;j;a l%sia;=jrfhl= ùu ;=,h¡ Tyq ;u Ôú;h l%sia;=ka jykaiaf.a .e<ùfï mQcdj wLKavj r`.oelafjk mQcdikh njg m;a ùug bvfohs¡ ta mQcdm%idos;=ul=f.a ish¨ ienE Ôú; f;dard.ekSï njg mßj¾;kh jk osjH mQcd hd.hhs¡ fidf<diajk fnkälaÜ Y=oafOda;a;u msh;=ud fï .ek fufia m%ldY lrhs ( 
—mQcl wOHd;añl;ajh w;HjYHfhkau osjH i;am%idohShhs¡ mQcljrh mqok fufyh wjia:dfõoS ro.=re;=uka lshkq ,nk joka ;=< fuu wOHd;añl;ajfha îc oelsh yelsh( —foවිhka jykafiag mqokq i`oyd, mdrsY=oaO foaj ck;djf.a m`vqre Ndr .kak. tu.ska Tn lrk foa f;areම් .kak. Tn isoq lrk ms<sfj;g wkqj yev .efikak. Tnf.a ජීවි;h iමි`odKkaf.a Y%S l=reisfha wNsryig wkqrEmS lr.kakZZ 
     b;sx wdorKSh mshjreks" l%sia;=ka jykafiaj wkqlrKh lsÍu ;=<ska Tnf.a Y=oaOj;a lsÍfï" .=renfõ iy tfåßl wdorhg idlaIs oeÍfï ¥; fiajdj l%shd;aul lsÍfï oS Tn is ÿ lrk ish¨ mß;Hd.hka tlg tl;= lr iy iEu oskhlu Tn isÿ lrk osjH mQcdjg iy m%ido ksOdkhkag tajd iïnkaO lr Tmamq lrkak¡ túg Tnf.a Ôú;h foúhka jykafiag m%ikak ù Tnf.a ck;dj fjkqfjka jk foúhka jykafiaf.a fm%aufha — os.;a" m<,;a " Wi;a" .eUqr;a˜ Tjqka lshjk iy w;aolsk" Tnf.a ck;dj fjkqfjka Wkajykafia rpkd lrk m%d;ayd¾hd;aul l:kaorh jk Wkajykafiaf.a .e<ùuodhl l%shdfõ úIh njg Tn m;afõú¡ Tnf.a ienE tfårdKka o " mQclhdKka o" osjeisjrhdKka o" jk fÊiqia jykafiaf.a mshjr Tiafia Ôú; .uk wdrïN lrk fï fudfydf;a Tn ieug foajdisß ,efíjdhs m;k w;r" Tng Wmldr ùug fmdfrdkaÿ jkafkñ¡ wdfuka æ
w;s W;=ï ue,alï ldosk,a rxcs;a ysñmdKka'
2012 wms%fh,a 21
mQcljrh odkh lsrSfï fufyh
id. ¨ishd wdik foõueÿr

Pope Teaches Us

16 වන බෙනඩික්ට් ශුද්ධෝත්තම පියතුමාගේ සාමාන්‍ය සමයේ එකළොස්වන ඉරුදින දෙසුමේ සංක්ෂිප්තය
දෙවියන් වහන්සේ අපගේ ආශාවන් ප්‍රේමයේ මහා ක්‍රියාවන් බවට හරවන සේක. ...

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